The effectiveness of competence development in families with children at preschool age




competences, family, effectiveness


The views on the essence of intelligence, talent, and competence oscillate between extreme standpoints that consider these either a result of nature (acquired through genetic in-heritance) or the impact of upbringing (influence of social environment). Depending on the angle chosen by the child’s parents, there arise diversified concepts, ideas, and informal programmes of their development whose common feature is the need to stimulate a strong constant motivation to undertake increasingly more difficult challenges (tasks). The challenges very often live up to the aspirations and viewpoints of ambitious parents. They decide on goals, methods, and means of supporting the child’s development during the early years of its upbringing. The effects of their efforts in the field of the discovery and development of talents are diversified. This fact can be noticed by teachers on different educational levels, especially by those concerned with preschool education. As it has been proven by surveys, the teachers claim that the effectiveness of the competence development depends on the quality of the cooperation between families and educational facilities.


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How to Cite

Kolasa-Skiba, A., & Błażejewski, W. (2019). The effectiveness of competence development in families with children at preschool age. Education • Therapy • Care, 1, 53–64.

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