Bullying – peer violence





bullying, peer violence, victim, stalker, preventive actions


Observing the behavior of schoolchildren, one would like to ask the question: why is the phenomenon of violence so common and why is it so difficult to eliminate it? Some problem researchers say that this strategy is evolutionarily beneficial. Individuals do not die in battle, do not fight, but are “peacefully” eliminated from the herd, while the alpha individual sets the rules. The hierarchy is clear, everyone knows who to listen to, unnecessary emotions do not arise, herd energy is saved. At school, we deal with aggressive calculations aimed at physically and emotionally weaker people. Why is this happening? Well, in hierarchical structures, and so is the school, there are a lot of students in relatively small space. The emergence of stronger, more aggressive and dominant types can be seen. We refer to them as the alpha type (stalker). The same structures also designate the omega individual (victim). This division in advance marks who is the persecutor and who is persecuted. We deal with such situations at school, at work, in prison or in the army. We observe similar situations in our environment. In a new class, the division into groups is emerging quite quickly: those better / worse dressed, better-off and the rest. Somewhere at the very bottom of this hierarchy we will find individual people nobody hurries to talk with, who often sit alone on the bench, they are skipped in school choices, and neglected in various task groups. It also happens that such a person is prodded, nicknamed, ridiculed while being asked by a teacher, regardless of what they say. Of course, this is not immediately noticeable, because the case is growing gradually. Victims often do not complain, just try to cope on their own. Sometimes it ends tragically for them. Panacea for such school situations should be appropriate prevention assuming prevention of violence at school and assistance to victims and persecutors.


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How to Cite

Leżucha, M. (2020). Bullying – peer violence. Education • Therapy • Care, 2, 104–124. https://doi.org/10.52934/eto.16