Psychosocial strategies supporting the student’s abilities in contemporary education




student, education, abilities, creativity, methods


Everyone is different, behaves differently, has different preferences and character, he may also have different abilities. What are they What characterizes gifted people? How early or when can human abilities become apparent at the latest? Are abilities related more to innate factors or do they depend on the environment and education? Can you develop your skills at any age? Or is it only early detection and training that allows you to develop talent? It is now believed that there are as many types of abilities as there are various human activities. Of course, along with emerging and previously unknown fields of activity, new talents and their structures may appear. At the same time, part of the capacity is disappearing due to the lack of public demand for specific services in specific fields of activity. Many rare talents are difficult to identify. Indicators referred to as abilities that characterize abilities may sometimes be misinterpreted by persons and teachers who do not have adequate knowledge and experience in the field of abilities. That is why it is important to properly train teachers who can recognize them and identify students’ abilities and propose educational and educational programs allowing their development. Both the dissemination of theoretical knowledge and exchange of information and experience in the field of good practices currently implemented as well as historically verified are indispensable for the creative search for the best solutions for students with special educational needs. The article contains information related to the latest research and concepts of ability and creativity, as well as examples of good practices in the education of talented students.


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How to Cite

Czuba, B., Inglot-Kulas, J., & Król, K. (2019). Psychosocial strategies supporting the student’s abilities in contemporary education. Education • Therapy • Care, 1, 163–183.

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