Distance learning – changes in the canon of general education, innovations, practical problems





online (distance) teaching (learning), innovations, problems


The implementation of pedagogical innovation is aimed at enriching lessons, supporting the comprehensive development of students, facilitating memorization, and thus improving the quality of school work. There is no doubt that a well-planned and carried out innovation not only more engagesthe students themselves in the cognitive process, but also requires additional, creative and purposeful activities from the teacher. In school, the implementation of innovative activities should not cause many difficulties. We have plenty of teaching resources at our disposal, we can choose from a wide range of methods. The situation is slightly different in distance learning.

Teaching online has both advantages and disadvantages. There is a wide range of programmes and platforms that are very useful in teaching English such as: Insta.ling, Learningapps, Wordwall, Liveworksheets and Quizzlet. One of the problem there are technology issues. Some students without reliable internet access have difficulties to participate in digital learning. Learning online requires self-discipline and motivation, which some students unfortunately lack.


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How to Cite

Krzyszkowska, M., Motak, A., & Zięć, M. (2021). Distance learning – changes in the canon of general education, innovations, practical problems. Education • Therapy • Care, 3, 174–189. https://doi.org/10.52934/eto.142