Transboundary crime in 2015–2017 as a threat to the state internal security in the light of the Bieszczady Border Guard Department in Przemysl, statistical data




border traffic, transit, goods exchange, border crime, cross-border crime, Border Guard, smuggling of goods, combating crime, border services, Schengen Agreement


The above article deals with the issue of cross-border crime. The article consists of two integral parts. In the first one, the author presents the basic concepts of cross-border crime as well as the role and tasks of the Border Guard in combating border crime. In the second part, based on the statistical data of the Bieszczady Border Guard Unit in the field of combating border crime, the author shows the contribution of the border formation in improving the state of internal security of the state. The above article is the beginning of a discussion on the role of border formations in combating organized crime.


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How to Cite

Kozłowski, P. (2020). Transboundary crime in 2015–2017 as a threat to the state internal security in the light of the Bieszczady Border Guard Department in Przemysl, statistical data. Contemporary Management Problems, 8(1(16), 83–95.