Knowledge management based on the analysis of the impact of online sales tools on consumer behavior




knowledge management, internet sales, consumer preferences


Knowledge is not only one of the main elements of a company’s resources, but it is also an elementary part of operational and strategic decision-making. Technology Platforms are a joint venture of the European Commission, industry, scientific and financial institutions, decision-making groups and the public to develop strategies for the development of important European economic sectors and future technologies. The main objective of the conducted empirical research was to determine the factors determining the influence of online sales tools on consumer purchase behavior. Based on the study carried out and the examination of knowledge management processes and its currently available models in the literature, the resource approach turns out to be relevant. Which is characterized by effective knowledge management necessary is the existence and interaction of interrelated elements.


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How to Cite

Kurpiel, M., & Kucab-Bąk, K. (2020). Knowledge management based on the analysis of the impact of online sales tools on consumer behavior. Contemporary Management Problems, 8(2(17), 61–75.


