Heat supply on the basis of local sources of energy as a factor of sustainable development of territories


  • Nadezhda Psareva Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation in Moscow https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3081-0672
  • Anton Gorbaczow Postgraduate student at the Faculty of Economics and Management Union educational institution of higher education "Academy of Labor and Social Relations"




heat supply, energy policy, energy supply of territories, local fuel and energy resources, renewable energy


The article discusses the prospects for sustainable development of territories based on the use of local fuel and energy resources for the purposes of heat supply. The potential of using local fuel and energy resources for heat supply is considered. Current trends in the use of local energy resources in the form of primary, secondary biomass, gasification products of biomass are considered. Data on the use of peat fuel, geothermal sources in local power systems are presented. In conclusion, the conclusion is substantiated the need to develop heat supply systems based on local energy sources. The author presents approaches to the organization of heat supply for sustainable development of the territories.


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How to Cite

Psareva, N., & Gorbaczow, A. (2018). Heat supply on the basis of local sources of energy as a factor of sustainable development of territories. Contemporary Management Problems, 6(1(12), 163–175. https://doi.org/10.52934/wpz.112