Institutional aspects of convergence in the socio-economic space of the Polish-Ukrainian crossborder region




convergence, region, potential, crossborder


The evolution of the institutional and legal environment is closely related to the development of institutional and organizational support for socio-economic convergence in the cross-border region. The main elements of this dependence are: institutional-subjective, information-statistical, scientific-analytical, educational-educational, administrative-management, regulatory-coordinating, marketing and institutional-infrastructure. Each of these sections has a particular impact on the functioning of cross-border convergence mechanisms by stimulating or limiting the spread of convergent processes in the cross-border region. In the cross-border region of Poland and Ukraine, the most significant positive impact on the socio-economic convergence is currently institutional and educational elements. Instead, administrative and institutional components and infrastructure elements, due to their inherent disadvantages, partially fulfill the limiting function.


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How to Cite

Kucab-Bąk, K. (2018). Institutional aspects of convergence in the socio-economic space of the Polish-Ukrainian crossborder region. Contemporary Management Problems, 6(2(13), 85–94.