Digital threats to internal security. New network subcultures, virtual reality, artificial intelligence




digital threats, internal security, network subcultures, virtual reality, artificial Intelligence


The article is focused on the analysis of digital threats to internal security resulting from the postmodern phase of society’s development, as well as the post-industrial nature of the economic system. In this context, there were presented the social changes determining the development of digital threats and the neo-evolutionary theoretical foundations in the form of the thermodynamic system theory and the theory of information accumulation were emphasized. Current transformation of the character of interactions in the society were presented by using the actor-network theory. In reference to the subculturization process there were described the functioning of five main network subcultures, on the basis of own research, emphasized the risk of Internet addiction related to network activity, also emphasized the security threats related to the use of the network in everyday life, as well as the dangers in the field of artificial intelligence research. The presentation of the above-mentioned dependencies was supplemented with an analysis of the opinions of student youth on the direction of technological development.


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How to Cite

Bąk, T., & Łukaszewski, B. (2020). Digital threats to internal security. New network subcultures, virtual reality, artificial intelligence. Contemporary Management Problems, 8(1(16), 97–109.