Acquisition of new technologies and modernization of weapons with the use of offset tied transactions




security, offset, offset agreement, weapons, politics, technology


Article acquisition of new technologies and modernization of weapons with the use of offset tied transactions, concerns specific form of bilateral economic cooperation, which is accompanied by purchases of armaments and military equipment. Offset is a global phenomenon, it’s an integral part of defense industrial policy and one of the instruments for shaping of the economic security base. Ensuring security of a state in the current conditions poses a growing dilemma, thereby forcing – so called – the security providers to solve more complex, multifaceted problems. Offset agreement has a complex form, it’s concluded at the crossroads of national security policy, economic policy, business, and – in a sense – foreign policy. The offset law, although differently regulated in various countries is often used, because it provides opportunities to bypass trade barriers and allow entering hermetic markets, but also becoming a tool for attracting new technologies and acquiring new markets for own goods.


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How to Cite

Rawska, K. (2020). Acquisition of new technologies and modernization of weapons with the use of offset tied transactions. Contemporary Management Problems, 8(1(16), 53–66.