Art. 108. the goods and services tax acts – dummy invoice in business transaction


  • Małgorzata Wilczyńska The Bronislaw Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jaroslaw
  • Piotr Olejarz The Bronislaw Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jaroslaw



dummy invoice, fictitious invoice, VAT (value added tax), penalties


Recently a number of changes to the regulations aimed at sealing up the VAT taxation have been used. The tool used to achieve these goals is, among others, the entire system of sanctions and penalties for irregularities in tax settlement. Especially worthy of note are the regulations concerning the so-called dummy invoices. The concept “dummy invoice” is based on the tax on goods and services and is presented in the Act regulating this tax, that is Act of March 11, 2004 (Journal of Laws 2018, item 2174). The article deals with the issue regarding dummy (fictitious) invoices in the economic turnover. The definition of the above concept is presented in the article. The tax and penal tax consequences resulting from the use of fictitious invoices by the issuer and the receiver were discussed. Research methodology: the method of literature studies (domestic literature in this field was used, including scientific articles and legal acts). The method of the source analysis is also used. Both the issuer and the recipient should have knowledge about the essence of dummy (fictitious) invoices, tax consequences (inclusion in the VAT register, settlement) as well as fiscal consequences in order to use it in practice.


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How to Cite

Wilczyńska, M., & Olejarz, P. (2019). Art. 108. the goods and services tax acts – dummy invoice in business transaction. Contemporary Management Problems, 7(1(14), 127–138.