Cost account for innovation in automated accounting systems




development, innovative activity, information space, expenditures on innovations, automated accounting systems


Business development in today’s fast-changing economic conditions is not possible without implementing innovation. They may refer to the areas of activity related to technical, technological, organizational, production or ecology solutions. At the same time, it should be emphasized that while the technical and technological as well as organizational and production spheres have always been the focus of the company in terms of innovation implementation, the remaining areas are usually less exposed. The impact of innovation on business operations and development is very high today and they see the possibility of gaining a competitive advantage in this process. The implementation of new ideas in all these areas can take many forms. Therefore, it is important to identify processes related to the implementation of innovations and to analyze the expenditures necessary for their financing. The optimal tool in this area is the use of automated IT systems that allow for ongoing tracking and analysis of costs as part of the company’s operating activities. The article presents the possibilities of using such systems in the area of analysis and management of innovation implementation costs with the use of automated accounting systems.


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How to Cite

Resler, M., Horbovyy, A., & Resler, D. (2019). Cost account for innovation in automated accounting systems. Contemporary Management Problems, 7(1(14), 93–107.