Expenditure on interships in district labour office in Jarosław in the years 2017–2018





internship, labour market, activation, unemployment, expenditure


In the years 2017–2018 Poland, the Podkarpacie voivodship and the district of Jarosław experienced a significant drop in unemployment. At the same time, expenditure on the activation of the unemployed increased. Most unemployed and employers, as shown by the analyses, benefit from existing forms of activation such as intervention, public works, job placements or traineeships. The evaluation of labour market policies will require the Labour Authorities to analyse the effectiveness of the programmes applied. The effectiveness of activation programmes is always aimed at increasing employment through the taking up of unemployed workers or creating conditions for self-employment. An analysis of the financial indicators that reflects the relationship between expenditure incurred and the real reduction in unemployment is also an important issue. In the Jarosław district, such a form in which the Labour Office invests and which brings tangible benefits to the increasing number of people taking up employment are traineeships. The implementation of the plan from the Labour Fund in the years analysed was close to 100%, which translated positively to the number of people taking up work at the end of the traineeship.


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Sprawozdanie z działalności Powiatowego Urzędu Pracy w Jarosławiu za rok 2017.

Sprawozdanie z działalności Powiatowego Urzędu Pracy w Jarosławiu za rok 2018.







How to Cite

Kożak-Siara, T., & Dorota, E. (2019). Expenditure on interships in district labour office in Jarosław in the years 2017–2018. Contemporary Management Problems, 7(1(14), 67–80. https://doi.org/10.52934/wpz.76