Intangible assets – the foundation for the development of podkarpackie enterprises


  • Bernadetta Dziura The Bronislaw Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jaroslaw



intangible assets (intellectual capital), human capital, innovation, development, financial condition


In the knowledge-based economy, the role of intangible assets in creating enterprise value is growing. Its source are intangible resources, the main component of which is human capital. Appropriate intellectual capital management forces enterprises to act intelligently, whose purpose is to apply innovation, continuous work of employees based on high-quality knowledge, as well as making creative and bold decisions. The results of analyzes from the conducted research prove that intellectual capital, which is in the possession of companies, influences the development and financial condition. Despite using this intellectual potential to achieve the goals of enterprises, managers need to manage it even more effectively. The purpose of the article is to show that businesses grow – with particular emphasis on enterprises operating in the Podkarpackie Province, results from the high level of intangible assets owned by companies from Podkarpacie.


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How to Cite

Dziura, B. (2019). Intangible assets – the foundation for the development of podkarpackie enterprises. Contemporary Management Problems, 7(1(14), 53–65.