The role of innovative technological laboratories in the regional system of innovation




innovative technological laboratories, process control, optoelectronic systems, intelligent sensors


Closer co-operation among enterprises and knowledge providers is gaining more and more importance in the modern society. This new approach creates great opportunities for universities as well as micro and small enterprises. A university becomes not only a provider of new knowledge but also offers different forms of cooperation for enterprises - manufacturers of new products and services which become competitive outside their region. The study indicates the importance of flexible production systems in the modern economy and presents an example of the laboratory research-based teaching consistent with the latest development trends.


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How to Cite

Wójcik, W., Gromaszek, K., & Weryńska-Bieniasz, R. . (2019). The role of innovative technological laboratories in the regional system of innovation. Contemporary Management Problems, 7(2 (15), 63–72.