Assessment of the level of public safety in the Jarosław’s county in 2017–2020




public safety, sense of safety, management of public safety


The public safety management process is an integrant of many people along with public and private institutes cooperating with each other to guarante the citizens’ safety and minimalising the effects of the encountered dangers. The subject of the present study is assessment of the level of public safety in the Jarosław’s county in 2017–2020 as well as the attempt to answer the following questions: what are the biggest safety threats in the Jarosław’s poviat? What is the sense of safety of the population in the Jarosław’s county? What is the assessment of the activities of local authorities by the inhabitants of the poviat in the field of public safety protection? What are the inhabitants’ expectations concerning the public safety?


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How to Cite

Szczypta-Kłak, B. (2021). Assessment of the level of public safety in the Jarosław’s county in 2017–2020. Contemporary Management Problems, 9(2(19), 105–122.


