Social security of immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic




ethnic minority, immigrants, pandemic, social security


Immigrants and immigrants are groups that are particularly affected by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting restrictions in social and economic life. The global crisis that the virus triggered in early 2020 has drastically changed people’s lives in many respects, but the changes have varied among different social groups.

The way of coping with the challenges posed by the current situation to migrants is influenced by many factors, including, in particular, the legal situation (immigrant status, legalization of stay, etc.), the situation of the industry in which they work or run a business, housing conditions, and the level of language skills the country in which they live, the degree of integration with the host society, access to knowledge about regulations and changes introduced by the state and local government administration, access to support networks both locally and abroad (including in the country of origin), social attitudes towards to foreigners, the presence of support programs targeted at specific groups.

All indicators show that immigrants and their children have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic and are likely to continue to be severely affected, both in terms of health and integration results.


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How to Cite

Konecka-Szydełko, B. (2021). Social security of immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic. Contemporary Management Problems, 9(2(19), 89–103.


