Cultural adaptation – adaptation of Ukrainian emigrants in society to the Polish reality. An outline of the problem




refugee status, acculturation, migration, immigration, a social worker


The nineties were a period of rapid political and economic changes in Poland and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe. They are the background for growing international mobility: both emigration from the region and immigration. In 1991 Poland acceded to the Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees, i.e. a group of countries that grant protection to persecuted foreigners in their countries of origin. For the following years, Poland remains a country of pure emigration, and the influx of immigrants to Poland is gaining more and more importance, becoming the subject of public and political discourse in the second decade of the 21st century. This is mainly due to two factors. The first is the sharp increase in immigration from Ukraine to Poland, caused by the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict after 2013. It should be noted that Polish media very rarely deal with migrants in Poland, devoting much more space to people seeking protection in other European countries. It must be said that knowledge about the situation of forced migrants coming to Poland is not well known. There is also relatively little research on this subject.


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Wywiad z nauczycielką szkoły nr 31 w Lublinie przeprowadzony dnia 6 maja 2017 roku.



How to Cite

Olak, A. (2021). Cultural adaptation – adaptation of Ukrainian emigrants in society to the Polish reality. An outline of the problem. Contemporary Management Problems, 9(2(19), 77–87.


