Energy safety problems – an element of critical infrastructure in Poland


  • Zbigniew Grobelny General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military University of Land Forces in Wrocław
  • Aneta Chrząszcz Pope John Paul II State School Of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska



security, energy security, energy resources, threats energy security


Energy security is the resilience of the economy to possible disruptions in the sphere of coverage of the current and long-term demand of consumers for fuels and energy, while maintaining technical and economic requirements as well as environmental protection. The article discusses general problems of energy security in Poland. In addition to the general concepts of energy security, it indicates the factors affecting energy security and threats. We discuss the use of energy resources for energy production. In addition to the sources of danger, the solutions taken by the state aimed at ensuring ecological safety were indicated.


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How to Cite

Grobelny, Z., & Chrząszcz, A. (2018). Energy safety problems – an element of critical infrastructure in Poland. Contemporary Management Problems, 6(1(12), 117–128.