Modern threats and security of state




analysis, security, methods, resources, threats


The aim of the article is to show threats in the context of Poland’s security. At the beginning, the author describes the types of threats as well as the causes and consequences of threats to state security. Threats are inseparably connected with safety, therefore the author defines the concept of security, presents its essence and then the typology. The security of the state depends to a large extent on the decisions and actions taken by the state authorities, therefore the article indicates the objectives of the state security policy. At the end, the most important methods for ensuring Poland’s internal security were given, concluding that contemporary challenges and threats are above all non-military character with a very wide range of impact, which gives them a new dimension, difficult to control.


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How to Cite

Bąk, T., & Błażejewska, B. (2018). Modern threats and security of state. Contemporary Management Problems, 6(1(12), 9–20.