Family and individual with specific developmental learning disabilities in process of inclusion


  • Martina Magová Katedra pedagogiky a špeciálnej pedagogiky Pedagogická fakulta KU Ružomberok



family, pupil with specific developmental learning disabilities, parents of intact pupils, parents of pupils with health and social disadvantages


The paper deals with the status of a pupil’s family with specific developmental learning disabilities in the inclusive education process. It describes the basic terminology towards family. The paper also discusses the stress factors with which are a pupil’s family with specific developmental learning disabilities confronted. Qualitative research investigation deals with the status of families in inclusive education. We examined the views of headmasters attitudes towards to parents of pupils in inclusive education.


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How to Cite

Magová, M. (2019). Family and individual with specific developmental learning disabilities in process of inclusion. Education • Therapy • Care, 1, 213–222.