Parent as a member of interdisciplinary team in complex support of pupil with profound and multiple disabilities from the view of professionals


  • Jana Hrčová Katolícka Univerzita v Ružomberku



pupil with profound and multiple disabilities, interdisciplinary team, team cooperation, parent of pupil with profound and multiple disabilities


Pupils with profound and multiple disabilities have complex needs and therefore team cooperation is needed in order to be effective in their complex support. Important place and role in the team should be credited to parents. The presented text is focused on status of parent within complex support of their child, their asset and perception from the view of other members of the team. It presents partial results of qualitative research study realised through semistructured interviews focused on interdisciplinary cooperation.


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How to Cite

Hrčová, J. (2019). Parent as a member of interdisciplinary team in complex support of pupil with profound and multiple disabilities from the view of professionals. Education • Therapy • Care, 1, 201–212.