Research probe of social inclusion of excluded roma families


  • Michal Oláh Vysoká Škola Zdravotníctva a Sociálnej Práce sv. Alžbety Ústav Dr. Pavla Blahu v Skalici
  • Lubomír Oláh Vysoká Škola Zdravotníctva a Sociálnej Práce sv. Alžbety Ústav Dr. Pavla Blahu v Skalici



roma, comunities, research, metodology, analysis


Basic instruments of social work at social excluded Romans are primary data and true and very specific in-field data, allowing with precise processing to define the monitored group of population and take decisions. The professionals concured at 4 most important areas of necessary in-field research to identify basic characteristics of social excluded Romans:

  1. Family and housing
  2. Economic status and education
  3. State of health
  4. Degree of social inclusion and integration

Submitted submission occupies with some of metodology questions about getting in-field data. High degree of universality of the preposed practises and principles is demonstrated in terrain aplicated on concrete community living in city – Hnúšťa for 4th area – degree of social integration.



How to Cite

Oláh, M., & Oláh, L. (2019). Research probe of social inclusion of excluded roma families. Education • Therapy • Care, 1, 96–113.