Musical education of children in Maria Montessori nursery




pedagogy of Maria Montessori, music, abilities, methodology


The being of Pedagogy for Maria Montessori is getting to the statement itself, that since every child is different, should develop according to its possibilities, competence and the ability – of individual developmental plans so that their real accomplishment enables the independent and more effective learning for him. Child raised in its heart of hearts pedagogies of Maria Montessori will be a person independent, responsible for oneself and world, diligent in the future. The development of every child is causing itself according to individual \ of “plan of the development\”. Therefore it isn’t possible from above to create the education and teaching system without taking individual characteristics of the child into account. Maria Montessori devoted a lot of attention to the music appreciation. A join of the music is important with the move which is an important factor of the child development.


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How to Cite

Kolasa-Skiba, A. (2019). Musical education of children in Maria Montessori nursery. Education • Therapy • Care, 1, 31–52.