Physical disability of elderly versus their participation in physical activitities by means of tourism and outdoor recreation




tourism/outdoor recreation, physical disability of elderly, seniors´attitude


The first two decades of XXI century is a period of time marked by significant changes in perceiving the needs and potential of handicapped individuals especially of those with a physical impairement. This group of people of any age who has been excluded from the full participation in our social life for years has gradually started to break the commonly believed stereotypes about them. Lately enhanced promoted engagement in tourism and outdoor recreation is one of the possible forms enabling older adults the full participation in many events taking place both in their local close to the place of residence as well as further environment. Meanwhile, this way of inclusion has gained many supporters in different social communities even though shortly it was believed to be a very difficult or even an impossible endeavor. The manifold benefits of tourism and outdoor recreation on the quality of life of physically impaired individuals for instance older adults make it more and more popular among them. Furthermore, the attitude of seniors concerning the active ageing and the possibilities of involvement in outdoor activities plays an essential role for the organizers of such events as well as for physiotherapists and medical doctors.


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How to Cite

Błażejewski, W., Błażejewski, G., & Witkoś, J. (2023). Physical disability of elderly versus their participation in physical activitities by means of tourism and outdoor recreation. Education • Therapy • Care, 5, 156–169.

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