Stereotypes and prejudices in mutual relations between Poles and Ukrainians as integration barriers




stereotypes, Polish-Ukrainian relations, war refugees, integration


The outbreak of war and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine resulted in a wave of emigration from Ukraine, mainly directed to Poland. Thousands of people crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border seeking shelter from the aggressor. The emigrants were mainly women and children, most of the men stayed in their country to defend their homeland. Poland welcomed its neighbors with open arms, many people selflessly made their homes available to emigrants, and helped in the first weeks of their stay in our country. Collections of food, hygiene products, clothes and other articles were organised. They helped to settle official matters and organize life in Poland. Most Poles treated the Ukrainians fleeing the war favorably, showing them kindness and support. However, it should not be overlooked that in their mutual relations, Poles and Ukrainians treated each other with great reserve, often with hostility, based on stereotypes and prejudices. This was due to several factors, one of the most important of which appears to be historical background and conditions. This problem can be a major barrier to integration. The aim of this article is to discuss mutual stereotypes and prejudices of Poles and Ukrainians in the context of mutual relations and integration of both nations.


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How to Cite

Ostafiński, W. (2023). Stereotypes and prejudices in mutual relations between Poles and Ukrainians as integration barriers. Education • Therapy • Care, 5, 16‐25.