Mathematics and the world that surrounds us. Mathematics educator's view on the implementation of issues from the curriculum area applying mathematics during mathematics education classes at school and kindergarten




application of mathematics, weighing, time flow, units of measurement, decimal position system


Mathematical objects and procedures have their roots in the world around us. One of the basic human needs was related to the ability to measure, determine quantity. The core curriculum for mathematics for children includes the “practical skills” section. It should be treated as a section organically related to the development of mathematical competences, as shown in the history of mathematics, and not as an artificial addition to the building of understanding of concepts related to numbers and geometric figures. In this article, we discuss methodological issues related to weighing and time measurement.


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How to Cite

Swoboda, E. (2022). Mathematics and the world that surrounds us. Mathematics educator’s view on the implementation of issues from the curriculum area applying mathematics during mathematics education classes at school and kindergarten. Education • Therapy • Care, 4, 95‐111.