Theoretical aspects of leisure time and their influence on education in the local environment


  • Igor Kominarec University of Prešov



The concept of leisure time, children and youth in leisure time, factors influencing leisure time, formal, informal and non-formal education, perspectives of leisure time activities of children and young people


The issue of leisure time forms an integral part of the complex educational activities of the school, family, and education outside of class. In the article, the author focuses on the theoretical basis of free time. It is based on the current state of professional literature on this topic. At the same time, he not only analyzes this knowledge but also subjects it to an independent evaluation opinion based on his previous scientific works and research.


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How to Cite

Kominarec, I. (2022). Theoretical aspects of leisure time and their influence on education in the local environment. Education • Therapy • Care, 4, 43‐54.