Teacher and principal – advocates of creativity in polish education





creativity, creative thinking, teacher, principal, education


There are many arguments for making every teacher and every headmaster of an educational institution become advocates of creativity. The teacher and the principal are able to promote the ideas of creativity among parents, teaching staff and representatives of the governing bodies. Not only the intuitive belief that „it is worth betting on creativity in kindergarten, school”, but also research results from European Union countries and expert statements will help all creativity ambassadors. It is worth betting on creativity in kindergarten and school – it will pay off for everyone – even if we know the results in 10 or 20 years. Therefore, education for creativity should be emphasized in every Polish educational institution, at every level of education.


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How to Cite

Kolasa-Skiba, A. (2022). Teacher and principal – advocates of creativity in polish education. Education • Therapy • Care, 4, 9‐32. https://doi.org/10.52934/eto.161