Remote management of an educational institution as assessed by directors




remote learning, distance education, pandemic, school head, digital competences


During the period of social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the education system in Poland underwent an accelerated process of implementing distance education solutions, related to the involvement of all entities – students, teachers, parents, and authorities of various levels. The opinions of school heads about the opportunities and challenges that this extraordinary situation posed for them have been relatively least investigated. This text presents the results of the research on this group of entities in the education system (Pyżalski, 2020).

The analysis of the results of the questionnaire survey shows the fact that schools are insufficiently prepared for online teaching. As a positive effect of mediated education, school heads emphasize the involvement of teachers and their cooperation, the use of modern educational methods and tools, attempts to engage students in self-education and self-education, developing their competences, and integrating the school environment. According to the respondents, remote education has a chance to exist in the future only if the digital competences of teachers and students are developed, learning new tools and expanding the didactic base. According to principals, the development of creative competences of teachers is an opportunity for the success of online learning in the future(Madalińska-Michalak, 2020).

According to the respondents, the weaknesses of distance learning are technological deficiencies and overloading teachers with additional duties. The surveyed school heads are concerned about the negative effects of remote education in the form of a more general weakening of social relations, and above all, the inability to fully implement the educational process.

Remote education is a huge logistical challenge for school principals and daily dealing with technical, technological and communication problems with teachers, parents and students. For many of them it is an unequal struggle that they undertake because they are responsible for their students, staff and the school.


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How to Cite

Leżucha, M. (2021). Remote management of an educational institution as assessed by directors. Education • Therapy • Care, 3, 7–24.