About the Journal

The scope and coverage of the journal

The journal "Education. Therapy. Care" presents a wide spectrum of topics from the field of social sciences, in particular from such disciplines as pedagogy, psychology or sociology.

The aim of the yearbook is to create a forum for the exchange of views of both theoreticians and practitioners of pedagogy, psychology and sociology on current problems affecting children and young people at school, their teachers, guardians and educators.

We invite researchers, teachers, school educators and psychologists, sociologists, as well as students interested in contemporary challenges and needs in the field of broadly understood upbringing and care for children and youth to be published in our pages. We publish texts in Polish and English.

The journal is open to all authors from Poland and abroad. The authors do not pay any fees for submission or acceptance of texts for publication in the journal.

Peer Review Process

All submitted articles are subject to the so-called double-blind review by two independent experts unrelated to the employment relationship with the author's research unit. The review is carried out on the basis of a double-blind review process, which means that the authors and reviewers do not know their identities. In addition to the compliance of the article title with its content, the reviewer assesses the formulation of the scientific goal or the practical purpose of the described research, the substantive value of the work, the correctness of the work structure, the scientific terminology used, the importance of solving the problem for science or practice, the scope of the problem solution and the correct formulation of the final conclusions.

Anti-plagiarism program

Each text is also checked by the international anti-plagiarism program Similarity Check.

Open Access Policy

The journal provides readers with immediate free access to all published content under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...

Principles of publication ethics

The publishing house of the State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław applies publishing standards aimed at counteracting unfair publishing practices. Applies the principles of publication ethics in line with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The publishing house of the State Higher School of Technology and Economics (PWSTE):

  • accepts for publication papers with a positive opinion from the Editorial Committee of the Publishing House, the Rector of the University and the reviewer;
  • counteracts scientific misconduct consisting in omitting from the authorship’s list people who created the publication (ghostwriting) or assigning authorship to people who did not participate in the creation of the work (guest authorship);
  • requires the author to declare that his work has been created without infringing any copyright and that the author's rights to the work are not restricted by any rights of third parties;
  • obliges the author to correctly indicate the works of other authors used, through diligence in quoting quotations and preparing a bibliography;
  • requires the author to declare that the work has been created according to his best knowledge and skills and in accordance with the rules applicable to creating works of this type;
  • accepts for printing works on the basis of license agreements that regulate all copyright matters;
  • monitors compliance with the principles of the Code of Publishing Ethics by authors and reviewers;
  • ensures a reliable and professional publishing process and adheres to editorial standards;
  • applies uniform standards for qualifying scientific monographs for publication;
  • ensures confidentiality and security of personal data processing.